Are New Homes Going to Be Available to Buy This Year?
In today’s economy, everyone seems to be searching for signs that a recovery is coming soon. Many experts agree that it may actually already be in motion or will be starting by the 3 rd quarter of this year. With the housing market positioned to lead the way out of this recession , builder confidence might be a bright spark that gets the recovery fire started. The construction of new homes coming right around the corner is a huge part of that effort, and it may drive your opportunity to make a move this year. According to the National Association of Home Builders ( NAHB ): “New home sales jumped in May, as housing demand was supported by low interest rates, a renewed household focus on housing, and rising demand in lower-density markets. Census and HUD estimated new home sales in May at a 676,000 seasonally adjusted annual pace, a 17% gain over April.” In addition, builder confidence is also rising, opening up opportunity for...