Getting Folks to Visit Your Website
Do you develop your website for your target market? The website is good even in its default presentation, but there are so many opportunities to enhance its use. One way is by adding content (additional pages) with your distinct message and tools you offer to your real estate clients and prospects in your social media and other online marketing venues. Let’s say you want to promote a page titled ‘My Special Properties’ online, but for some reason you did not want the page to display when someone comes directly to your website home page. Here is how to do it: While in My Office, hover over Site Builder, slide to Content, and click Pages. Under any of the four Main Navigation Tabs that accept drop down pages click ‘ Add Page.’ Title the page, click Add , then click ‘ Edit Content.’ Add your material to the page and click Submit. The page now has been added to the Main Navigation button content, but it is ‘hidden’ from view at the website. If you want to c...