Tuesday Tech Tips


By Chip @ Reliance Network

Client Registration Options Update

Registration/Login means the website visitor provides you their name and email address and is associated with you in My Office as a ‘web client’, which allows you to track their website activity (what listings are viewed, what searches are conducted, etc.) and be the agent who receives forms and emails submitted by the client through any of the websites. 

When does a website visitor have to register/login to your website? You control this, and it is an extension of your online business strategy, so it is important for you to know what settings are available and understand what they mean. 

There are four levels of client registration control which may be applied when a website visitor clicks ‘More Details’ or ‘View Details’ at search results, Email Alerts, etc.:
  1. Unlimited Level: The contact can see all property details without either registering or logging in.
  2. Maximum Level: The contact will see only the main photo and very basic property information without registering or, if they are already a client, logging in.
  3. Mid-Level: Hard Registration: The contact will be allowed to view the full details of from one to ten properties (you determine this) prior to being required to register or login to continue to see the full property details.
  4. Mid-Level: Soft Registration: The contact will be allowed to view the full details of from one to ten properties (you determine this) prior to being asked to register or login to continue to see the full property details. The visitor can ignore and continue to view full details but will see the request periodically repeated as additional listing details are accessed.

Note 1:  There is never a requirement to login to view full details of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate Listings.
Note 2:  Regardless of the client registration control set by you, all website visitors must register/login to Save a Search or Market Watch, Save a Favorite Property, or set up Automated Email Updates for searches and Market Watch.

What level of control you set depends on your online business strategy. Do you want to become known as the website where all information is available for visitors to peruse anonymously? That would indicate an Unlimited setting. Do you feel the information at your website is valuable enough that the website visitor will be willing to provide their basic contact information right away? Immediate level is the setting you want. Do you want to allow the contact to get familiar with the information available regarding properties for sale before requiring or at least requesting the log in? Set Mid-level ‘Soft’ or ‘Hard’ between 1 and 10. Here is how to set your Client Registration Control:

  1. While in My Office, hover over Leads, then click Settings.
  2. Scroll to the ‘Client Registration Options’ section. Click the radio button for Unlimited, Maximum, or Mid-Level. If Mid-Level:
    1. Click Hard Registration and select the appropriate number in the Listing Views window, or
    2. Click Soft Registration and select the appropriate number in the Listing Views window.
  3. Click Submit Changes.

That’s all there is to it, but you now know what control you have in place for website visitors and hopefully how that setting is part of your online business strategy.

Need help? Email Support@BHHSNW.com. We can assist in setting it up with you!


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